How Tourism Industry is set to change after COVID – 19

Difficult times!!

The travel industry has taken a massive hit due to this corona virus attack. Time when travel industry was at its peak, many millennials were already taking out significant time of their schedules to travel and those not travelling, were saving to drop their jobs and get into businesses related to travel. Youth from hilly regions and tourist specific places had already left the conventional idea of working for others. They had set up their small businesses either alone or with their peers.

Now suddenly, all the travel has stopped, all kind of cash-flow to these businesses has ceased and has left the lockers empty and dry. The whole tourism value chain across hotels, travel agents, tour operations, destinations, restaurants, family entertainment venues and air, land and sea transportation have been hit.

Areas of travel and hospitality industry most severely impacted:


  • Transport, Hotels and Travel firms:

Being the heart of Tourism industry, these services are severely affected. With spiraling losses, the firms are founding it hard to sustain. Most have gone for last resort to lay off employees and trying hard to survive the crash.

  • Unorganized Sector:

Other than the organised sector, the tourism industry is a source of employment for homestays, small and budget hotel operators, tour guides and others for whom this is going to be an existential crisis that they can’t survive without support for more than a few months.

  •  Roadside Eateries/Small Vendors

This often unconsidered or ignored section of the society is nothing less than a lifeline for every traveller. Remember the tea and maggie you had on your last visit to mountains? yes, we are talking about this section. A large population of tourist places (and their families of course) belongs to this unorganized sectors or indirectly contribute to it. They are taking a massive blow as these people are usually low on savings and rely on daily earnings for living.

  • Concept of Hostels/ Shared Cabs/ Shared Rooms:

Over the past 3-4 years, the transport pooling was becoming a new common. Apart from being pocket friendly, it gave you an easily available and environment friendly alternative. But in the post-covid world, this is one field that is certainly going to get effected. As a passenger, you would be concerned about sharing the transport with a possible carrier. Similarly, would the owner of the transport would risk to open car to a stranger? Also, how comfortable would you be to share a room with strangers travelling from different areas.

  • International Travel:

With most nations trying to cope up with the impacts of corona, the first step has been to up the fences against foreign travellers, with some even making 14 days quarantine periods compulsory and some suspending all the visas. It is not gonna be soon that countries would return back to the normal. And how many of travellers can actually afford to spend that much time to visit a country?

  • Business travel:

Impacted by International travel, this is one area of travel which sees a large spending with companies spending dearly for its executives. It is gonna have a significant impact as lesser employees would be actually ready to do frequent business travel. Which in turn would hurt the airlines and top hotel chains.

  • Clubs and Parties:

According to a study, millenials spend ~30% of their monthly earnings on clubbing, eating out in cafes, restaurants and partying. It would be interesting to find out how this is gonna shape in the post corona world. Social distancing and staying home for such long durations without meeting friends and family might also bring a behavioural shift. Increased virtual meetings would become a new way of life and further increase the importance of communication. Only time will tell how this field is going to take shape if the covid vaccine doesn’t arrive anytime soon.

  • Economies dependent on tourism:

Many countries(eg-Thailand) and states(Himachal Pradesh) largely invested and dependent on tourism are going to be severely impacted and will have to find alternate ways for their population to survive in the near future.

Businesses are keenly trying to find ways to mitigate this crisis. Here are the few things already changing the landscape of tourism industry in the near future-

  • The travel firms and airlines have laid off some of their staff and has significantly made deductions in salaries of majority of the employees.
    Similarly other cost cutting is being done to survive this economical disaster and to keep the company afloat.
  • Businesses are coming up with innovative memberships and coupons. Many hostels/travel operators are offering discounted coupons and memberships with extended available time limit. This is helping them in 2 ways-
    • Ensure liquidity at present.
    • Travellers shall use their services whenever things get normal which not only ensure business when things reopen but also help them keep marketing expenses low and most importantly retain their loyal customer base. Collateral flow of cash in the form of meals/ other stuff is ensured when these services will be availed in future.


Yayavar recently conducted a poll which attracted more than 3500+ responses from frequent travellers and people interested in travelling. Read the responses made by travellers to self judge the situation-

Q1. When asked about how likely are you to travel in next 3 months, only 26% travellers chose highly likely option with over 62% travellers choosing to avoid travel in recent months.

Q2. When asked about what would be the choice of trip, Most people chose a short refreshing trip to mountains and beaches with less than 12% people planning a long trip in near future.

Q3. Quite defying the trend, when asked about the budget, more than 57% people willing to shell out 8000 bucks or more for a short trip (with hygienic services). This is an interesting change from pre-covid world when most travellers were willing to shell out somewhere around 6500-7000 for a short trip.

Q4. When asked about the preferred mode of transport, more than 58% travellers chose private vehicle as the preferred transport. Less than 42% people were comfortable with using public transport like buses, trains and flights for travel (compared to approx 85-90% in pre-covid era). This could be a big game changer for all the transport facilities and the future of public transportation.

Q5. When asked about the choice of hotel, more than 80% people are still interested to stay in normal hygienic homestays and hotels and would prefer them largely over 3-5 star hotel.

Q6. Another big change we noticed in the preferences was in the group size of the travel group. More than 90% people preferred a group size of 12 or lesser people and only 4% people are comfortable with group sizes exceeding 20 travellers. This is a huge change in preferences when mpre the merrier used to be the norm.

Despite of all the hardships brought to human race, this COVID-19 pandemic has certainly helped nature. The world is now a quieter place in these days of the lockdown. The air quality has improved . You must be well aware of the report that the air is so clean you can see the snow-capped Himalayas from Jalandhar, hundreds of kilometres away — something not seen in decades. Rivers are getting cleaner. So, the Earth is definitely healing and nature is reclaiming the Earth.

The Ultimate Guide Of Paragliding At Bir Billing

Nestled in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, Bir Billing together, has become a hub of aero-adventure sports and ecotourism. It is also well-known for many monasteries and Tibetan refugee settlement.

If you like to soar high in the sky and experience a bird’s eye view of the world, then Bir Billing will be perfect place for Tandem Paragliding. It provides excellent world class facility for Paragliding in India and is one of the best gliding sites around world.

Paragliding is a thrilling sport that gives adrenaline rush like nothing else. With a flying time of 25 – 30 minutes, you will get enough time in the air to astonished at the picturesque vistas of the Dhauladar Range below.

Bir Billing has hosted Paragliding World Cup and many international events are organizing here every year that have organized the very first Paragliding competition as per the rules of the Federation Aeronautique International.

You haven’t required any prior experience for enjoying a tandem paragliding at here which is two-seater joy ride with an experienced Pilot holding International tandem license. They have an experience of more than 5000 hours of flying does all the needful and you have to only sit back and taste the thrill and fun of free flight.

Bir Billing Paragliding Location

Nestled in Dhauladhar ranges, Bir Billing is 60 Km far away from Dharamshala, where leader and Guru of Tibetans, The Dalai Lama lives.

The paragliding take-off site is situated at height of 2500 meters that is a nice grassy dome. It is accessible to anyone without any problem and has a single road for 2-wheeler and 4-wheeler motor vehicles.  It give you chance to take off and fly in the South and West direction even when the breeze strengthens.

The landing site is situated in village Keori, near Tibetan Colony. The landing site located alongside with Chougan-Keori Road that’s a quite clear and wide-open ground with green grass and lots of fields around it with very few trees. Your paragliding ride offers magnificent panoramic glimpses of Dhauladhar ranges.

Best Time For Paragliding In Bir Billing

Generally, Paragliding in Bir Billing remains open from the mid of September to the 1st week of July. And it is closed from July to August due to heavy rainfall in the valley. Lots of adventure enthusiasts from the various countries and across the country often come Bir Billing in two different period of time for paragliding, in October to December and March to June.

The best time for paragliding in Bir Billing begins from 1st week of October till the Mid of December. During this time period, the wind remains clam and little warm almost every day which is good for normal flight. The paragliding competitions use to organized during this season.

The time period from March to June is also good for paragliding in Bir Billing that is the longest season for paragliding in Bir Billing. This period is good for cross country flying as you get lots of thermal. However, the wind is quite strong during the day and thunderstorms may be frequent during these days.

Finally, from the mid of December till February are also appropriate time for paragliding, but flight remain low due to cool air temperature does not push the para-glider to fly high or for longer duration.

Bir Billing Paragliding Cost

The average price for paragliding in Bir Billing is around INR 1700 to 2500 for 15 to 30 minutes flight. But this price depends on paragliding operators and seasons. Usually, it includes all the different charges such as transportation charges and no other “Service Tax” or “Hidden Charges”.

There are also different packages for paragliding in Bir billing. The Medium Flying Package will provides 30 Min to 45 Min flight time. The Next package is Long Flying that have average flight duration of 45 to 60 minutes. If you are wishing to fly for much longer period of time then you can we take the Cross-Country Flying that’s for more than 1 hour. The timing can vary as per client’s choice.

Things Needs To Remember

  • Before paragliding, must to sign Risk Certificate.
  • Check for safety parachute also known as “Reserve “ that is always under the seat of pilot.
  • One should be mentally and physically ready for Paragliding. You might have to face the forces up-to 5Gs (Gravitational Forces) during flight.
  • You should be in proper clothes and shoes and wear the helmet all the time during the flight till Landing.
  • Check all the things before take-off such as your harness, helmet and anything loose or broken.
  • Don’t take any expensive thing or any other stuff such as ornaments, electronics, wallet and smart phones with you during flight. If you have, then put it in zipped pocket.
  • Always fly with well experienced paragliding pilot and ask his/her paragliding License.
  • Keep eye on whether condition and don’t force your pilot to fly on bad whether condition.
  • If there is any emergency situation, keep calm and do not panic and follows what your pilot or instructor say.
  • If you do not feel good during the flight ask your pilot or instructor to land you.


Paragliding in Bir Billing is very safe, just make sure that your pilot or instructor is experienced and have paragliding License.

Usually, Paragliding in Bir Billing remains opens from the mid of September to the 1st week of July. But, its remained closed from July to August due to heavy rainfall in the Valley.

Usually, the cost of 15-20 minutes paragliding in Bir Billing around Rs 2000 to 2500 that includes the video by Go Pro and transportation from Bir to Billing (18 km).

You can call to Bir Billing Paragliding Association at 9805245001 and they will guide you better.

Spiti Weather And Best Time To Visit Spiti Valley

Popular known as Little Tibet, Spiti literally means ‘The Middle Land’, that is famous for its virgin villages, snow-covered mastiffs, treacherous pass, and beautiful lakes make Spiti one of the most stunning places in India.

 The cold weather and the spectacular views of the ranges extending from one end to the other, make the valley a spectacular destination. The defying trek trails, frozen lakes, monasteries spread across the vastness, appeal not only the adventure seekers but also nature lovers.

Spiti Weather And Best Time To Visit Spiti Valley

Like any other mountainous place, for your Spiti trip to be memorable and safe, it is very important to understand the place in relation to weather and seasons and decide the best time to visit Spiti valley accordingly.

 The summer months of March-June are considered to be the best time to visit Spiti valley not only due to the pleasant weather but also fewer crowds.

For that perfect winter vacation, the months of October-February are the best time to visit Spiti. This is when the landscape is frosted in white and one can see the elusive wildlife and the striking frozen waterfalls and lakes.

Monsoon season from July to September brings Spiti Valley a lovely shroud of colours enveloped in the fragrant mountain breeze and glistening golden sunshine.

Travelling to Spiti during this time, however, calls for a lot of precaution and planning. You can get detailed information month wise temperature following table:



MonthsMinimum TemperatureMaximum Temperature



The perfect time to visit Spiti Valley is from June to September by road. You will be able to complete the circuit and your trip will not be limited to Kaza. Destinations such as Chandratal and Kunzum Pass are also accessible during this time only.

The road to Spiti Valley remains open all the season through Shimla – Kinnaur.  Although the road from Manali side get close in winter season.

Any SUV will be the perfect for Spiti Valley trip. Both 2-wheel drive or 4×4 SUV, with the good ground clearance will be best for traveling through Spiti Valley.

If you are planning a long road trip to Spiti Valley, then Shimla route suits to you.  On the other hand, traveling from Manali, you can get Kaza in 7-8 hours. So, if you had limited days and wanted to explore more places; then Manali – Kaza route will be best option.